[EN] Daniel TOUTAIN Sensei – 6th Dan Aikikai

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IRIADoshu Ueshiba Moriteru, grand-son of the founder of Aikido, and technical director of the Aikikai since 1996, has delivered the rank of 6th Dan to Daniel Toutain Sensei. Here are the words of gratitude expressed by Daniel TOUTAIN…

Aikido Iwama Ryu - Auray Summer Camp - 08/2009
Daniel TOUTAIN Sensei – 08/2009 – International seminar – photo © e.savalli

Aikikai diploma - daniel toutain
Diplôme de 6ème Dan Aikikai – Délivré par le 3ème doshu à Daniel TOUTAIN

I am very pleased with this integration within the Aikikai and to be a part of this family now .

My thanks go first to Doshu Moriteru Ueshiba for this recognition. I am concious of the importance of this décision, which I will honor greatly.

Secondly to my Masters who taught me everything :

Masamichi Noro Sensei [FR], my teacher from 1968 to 1978, who has been for several years the Official Representative of the Aikikai for Europe and Africa.

Nobuyoshi Tamura Sensei [FR] teacher from 1978 to 1988, who was the Official Representative of the Aikikai for Europe.

SAITO Morihiro Sensei [FR], my teacher from 1992 to 2002 and from whom I received the rank of 6th Dan 11 year ago.
Saito Sensei was one of the senior figures in the Aikikai and the guardian of the Founde’s Dojo and of the Aiki Jinja in Iwama .

To my friend of over twenty years , Paolo CORALLINI Shihan , who helped me to become a student of Saito Sensei and who intervened with the Aikikai for this recognition.

– Daniel TOUTAIN – 18/11/2013


Daniel TOUTAIN and Masamichi NORO Sensei
Demonstration for the choreographer Roland PETIT
07-1977 Macon. Vidéo 1977 © Daniel TOUTAIN

Daniel TOUTAIN and Nobuyoshi TAMURA Sensei
10-1980 Belgique. Vidéo 1980 © Daniel TOUTAIN

Daniel TOUTAIN and Morihiro SAITO Sensei  – 07/1999 – Rennes

Daniel TOUTAIN Sensei – uke: eric savalli
St Remy de Provence – 02/2011 – photo © Stef.Bravin


Publiched 18 novembre 2013 – Last Updated on 18 novembre 2013 by Eric Savalli / Aikido Blog .net

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