[EN] Video Reportage in the Iwama Aiki Dojo – 2003

In 2003, there were a series of television reportages performed by Josette Normandeau, a Canadian television producer and martial artist, president of the production company, Ideacom International Inc. She holds black belts in both Shotokan Karate and Aikido. (source: aikidohombu.com [link])

In 2003 she made a documentary with National Geographic Channel about Aikido, its traditions, etiquette, and spirituality. Her journey could not avoid going in the Aiki Dojo in Iwama, the founder’s personal dojo and residence. In 2003, SAITO H. Sensei were still the guardian of the dojo, as successor of his father, Morihiro SAITO Sensei [FR SAITO Sensei] (1928-2002)

Many people around the word went to this historical dojo to train under the direction of SAITO Morihiro Sensei and/or his son and successor SAITO Hitohira Sensei in this legendary dojo. These people will be never tired of watching and watching again this reportage which remind them…

To live such experience, it is still and fortunately possible today by going in Iwama as Uchi Deshi of SAITO Hitohira Sensei in is own personal dojo, the hombu dojo of Iwama Shinshin Aikishurenkai [link].

iwama Train Station
The train station of the Iwama city
Walking towards the famous Aiki Dojo…
Be welcome by a Riei Sensei in person...
Be welcome by a Riei Sensei in person…
Morning training session in front of the Aiki Shrine
Morning training session in front of the Aiki Shrine
Clean the area and taking care of the trees and their lichens and mosses
Cleaning the area and taking care of the trees and their lichens and mosses
Additional training in front of Sensei's house
Additional training in front of Sensei’s house


The kitchen to rest or get responsibilities as toban
The kitchen to rest or get responsibilities as toban
Intensive training of deshi in front of SAITO Sensei's eyes
Intensive training of deshi in front of SAITO Sensei’s eyes
Housekeeping after the keiko
Housekeeping after the keiko
Misogi at the waterfall like O'Sensei did
Misogi at the waterfall like O’Sensei did
The Iwama hill to reach the shinto temple by climbing up the stairs
The Iwama hill to reach the shinto temple by climbing up the stairs
Buying the sake at the hot spare for the shomen
Buying the sake at the hot spare for the shomen

Here is the reportage:


Publiched 4 juin 2016 – Last Updated on 4 juin 2016 by Eric Savalli / Aikido Blog .net

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