[EN] Daniel TOUTAIN Sensei

(FR) La version française est disponible ici.
(IT) La version française est disponible ici.
Many thanks to my friend Blair HALL for his kind work for translating this article.

IRIADaniel TOUTAIN Sensei, 6th Dan Japan, has been a qualified teacher of Aikido since 1977, with the ‘Diplôme d’Etat français’. He is a direct student of the late Master SAITO Morihiro and he continues the teachings of Master SAITO within the FAA Fundamental Aikido Association, which has many representatives in France and around the world.

Daniel TOUTAIN was awarded the rank of 6th Dan Iwama Ryu in 2002, directly from his master Morihiro SAITO Sensei. This was recognized by the Aikikai in November 2013, when the Doshu awarded him the equivalent rank of 6th Dan Aikikai.

Aikido Iwama Ryu - Auray Summer Camp - 08/2009
Daniel TOUTAIN Sensei – 08/2009 – International Seminar – photo © e.savalli

Daniel TOUTAIN began studying Aikido in 1968, with Masamichi NORO Sensei, and remained his student and assistant until 1978 (full-time from 1976).

Daniel TOUTAIN and Masamichi NORO Sensei
Demonstration for the choreographer Roland Petit and his troupe
07-1977 Macon. Video 1977 © Daniel TOUTAIN

From 1978 to 1982, he trained intensively with Nobuyoshi TAMURA Sensei.

Daniel TOUTAIN and Nobuyoshi TAMURA Sensei
10-1980 Belgium. Video 1980 © Daniel TOUTAIN

In 1992, Daniel TOUTAIN became a student of Morihiro SAITO Sensei, 9th Dan Aikikai, SAITO Sensei is internationally recognized as the only veritable specialist in Aikido weapons and the person who transmitted most accurately the techniques taught by O-Sensei. He lived for 23 years with the founder, who gave him land to build a house next to his own. Master SAITO was later left in charge of Master UESHIBA’s Dojo in Iwama, and the Aiki Jinja (shrine dedicated to Aikido).

It was Paolo CORALLINI Sensei who introduced Daniel TOUTAIN to Master SAITO during a seminar in Italy.

Daniel TOUTAIN and Morihiro SAITO Sensei – 07/1999 – Rennes

To study directly under Master SAITO was, for Daniel TOUTAIN, a long-standing dream. From his first encounter with this great master, he had been captivated by his mastery and knowledge. He had also been touched by the great human qualities of this teacher, to whom he became very attached and was profoundly affected by his death in May 2002.

It is Daniel TOUTAIN who undertook the translation, into French, of the second series of books on Aikido by Master SAITO, entitled « Takemusu Aikido ».

In 2010, he completed a singular work of his own, publishing an exceptional series of 14 Aikido DVDs, that are indispensable for teachers and practitioners of Aikido (see the numerous video clips).

The school « Daniel Toutain »…

Since 1990, Daniel TOUTAIN, from his own Dojo « Aiki Dojo de Rennes« , has contributed extensively to the development of the founder’s Aikido in France. Initially, from his Dojo ‘Institut Rennais d’Aikido’, then his school « Takemusu Aiki Bretagne« , which became Iwama Ryu Aikido France, and lastly the Iwama Ryu International Academy. In January 2012, with the support and initiative of a group of students, he announced the creation of the « Fundamental Aikido Association » – FAA, an association domiciled in Belgium. Its purpose being to gather together, under a new structure, the dojos and dojochos who officially follow his teaching in Europe and abroad.

Daniel TOUTAIN Sensei – uke: eric savalli
St Remy de Provence – 02/2011 – photo © Stef.Bravin

Since the formation of AIKI DOJO AZUR, in the early 2000’s, Daniel TOUTAIN Sensei has been regularly invited to teach Aikido in the region of Nice and Grasse. To see all his courses, refer to the official website of his Academy [website].

The beauty and accuracy of Daniel TOUTAIN Sensei’s technics are quite impressive… just have a look…


Publiched 11 janvier 2014 – Last Updated on 31 août 2014 by Eric Savalli / Aikido Blog .net

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