[EN] O’Sensei words – Calligraphy by SAITO Hitohira Soke

[FR] Version française ici :
Ecrit de O’Sensei – Calligraphie de SAITO Hitohira Soke
[PT] versão em Português aqui :
Ensinamentos de Saito Sensei em Rennes, 2014
[EN] English version is here:
O’Sensei words – Calligraphy by SAITO Hitohira Soke
[IT] Versione italiana qui:
Palabras de O Sensei – Caligrafía de Saito Hitohira

During the international seminar in Rennes with Kaicho SAITO Hitohira [EN], some O’Sensei words were under the spotlight.
The son of the late Morihiro SAITO Sensei and successor in Iwama explained the meaning of these words and why they matter so much in Aikido…

O'Sensei words in Aikido Seminar with Hitohira SAITO Sensei - FR-Rennes 2014
Here are their  meanings… and big thanks to my friend Nicolas JOLIOT for providing us the details…


Aikido Seminar with Hitohira SAITO Sensei - FR-Rennes 2014
外: GAI, outside, external
虚: KYO, hollow, empty
内: NAI, inside
実: JITSU, Truth, real
気吹: KIBUKI, the flow of KI/Kokyu

Do not be preoccupied by the external world, what really matters is your inner world, and the flow of KI is first focused inside the body, pressurising key areas like your HARA and your center. This is what you effectively do in Chinkon/meditation and San no suburi.


Aikido Seminar with Hitohira SAITO Sensei - FR-Rennes 2014
上: JOU, up, above
虚: KYO, hollow, empty
下: KA, below, under
実: JITSU, Truth, real
螺旋: RASEN, spiral

Upper body is relaxed, the strength and power come from the lower body which includes stomach (hara), hips and legs. From that understanding, the power is expressed into Aikido techniques using the spiral [see point 4]. The spirals are generated from your center in multiple directions. To apply an upward force like in Ikkyo, you need to sink down using a downward spiral.


Publiched 11 novembre 2014 – Last Updated on 3 février 2017 by Eric Savalli / Aikido Blog .net

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